
sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Yakety yak

Take out the papers and the trash or you don't get no spending cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor you ain't gonna rock'n roll no more
(Yakety yak don't talk back)
Just finish cleaing up your room let's see that dust fly with that broom
Get all that garbage out of sight or you don't go out Friday night
(Yakety yak don't talk back)
You just put on your coat and hat and walk yourself to the laundry mat
And when you finish doing that bring in the dog and put out the cat
(Yakety yak don't talk back)
Don't give me no dirty looks your father's hip he knows what cooks
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside you ain't got time to take a ride
(Yakety yak don't talk back) yakety yak yakety yak yakety yak yakety yak
Yakety yak yakety yak


Na versão Tiny Toons!


Eu procurei esta música por anos e não conseguia saber qual o nome! Quando ia supor que seria Yakety Yek e o que isso significa! rs Graças a Dario consegui hoje, escutei-a, peguei a letra e consegui um link pra baixa-la na versão original! Ta ai!


Ah, Yakety Yak pra uma pessoa que merece um Yakety Yak hoje! (não, nao é vc RAJ!)


1 comentários:

Loira disse...

AMEI! Muitas boas lembranças :D

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